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Mark Us

Mark Us

Production Certificate

Tell us about your production journey so far – how long have you been producing? And what drew you to it in the first place?

I’ve been producing house music for 5 years now and as I’ve always dj’ed house records I always had the idea of ​​producing my own sound. I wanted to make my own contribution to the music genre because I have a strong passion for house music and today I discover new records every day and I want other people to be able to discover my records too. In order to be able to listen to my records at a professional level, I wanted to learn from the best in the music business.

Week 1 of the course focuses on artist identity and positioning. Did this make you analyse your sound in any way?

Oh yes, that was a really hard realization for me as that part of the course was one of my main reasons for taking the course. On the one hand, the fact that you should really rely on a special sound and a tonal identity made me reconsider my choice of sound. This learning unit alone took me to the point where I was able to really position myself as an artist.

What other modules really stood out to you throughout the 12 weeks?

Definitely the module where we hunted the vocals and the module where we built the groove. Both topics had a very high learning effect for me and I was able to significantly improve the selection, processing and final installation in the mix so that it fit my style and the reference track.

You learn alongside like-minded people who have a strong passion for house music.

How important was the A&R feedback throughout your journey?

It’s the most important part I can think of that will help you stay focused and get through the process from start to finish, with the added benefit of fresh ears and feedback from A&R.

How happy were you with the track you made over the course of the 3 months?  

Very happy, the record “Let’s Do This” was even released on the label “Get Down”

What do you think was unique or different about the Production Certificate compared to other programmes/schools out there?  

You learn alongside like-minded people who have a strong passion for house music.
The advice, methods and approaches straight from the music industry are extremely valuable and have taken me to a whole new level!

The A&R feedback is perfectly tailored to you and your production by two tutors. In addition, the feedback is specialised in the genre “House and Tech House”. As an extra from one of the biggest and most successful labels in the world! – You can’t get that anywhere else.

How would you compare your production ability/knowledge now, compared to when you started the course?  

Before I was an advanced producer with my own releases, now after the course I am a professional producer, portraying an artist, have releases on many well known labels and can build strong good connections with other artists and labels.

Has your ability on Ableton improved since you’ve taken the course?  

Absolutely, I already knew the “basics” beforehand, but the course gave me more structure, speed and confidence (in the sense of “knowing what is right and what works in the context of the production”).

The advice, methods and approaches straight from the music industry are extremely valuable and have taken me to a whole new level !

What was the single best experience you had on the programme?  

The moment we heard all the student records in the final mix and Matt Smallwood (label A&R) mentioned on my record that Mark Knight would definitely hammer it in the club 🙂 – what an honor!

Would you recommend the Production Certificate to other producers? 

Overall, the course will take you to a new level and you will have a much better understanding of what is important and to consider to be successful in the music industry.

As a graduate, what are your thoughts on the Toolroom Academy overall?

I loved it, I enjoyed every course during the week for the 3 months and I’m happy that we still meet up here and there after the course and stay in touch. All I can say is how grateful I am that something like this exists and to anyone with a strong passion for house and tech house music, give yourself the experience, you won’t regret it and will tell a lifetime! Write your story in your sound and learn from the best in the music industry!



Production Certificate
Our flagship programme. Embark on an intensive 12 week journey, that takes you step-by-step through the essentials of building a credible and relevant track to a professional standard. Enjoy continuous A&R feedback and mentorship throughout the course.
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