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Tom Junior

Tom Junior

Production Certificate

Tell us about your production journey so far – how long have you been producing? What drew you to it in the first place?

I have been producing now for 3.5 years, it was always something I had wanted to get into and had always been playing around with it throughout the years just as a hobby but felt it was the right time for me to really push it.

Week 1 of the course focuses on artist identity and positioning. Did this make you analyse your sound in any way?

It really made me think about where I want to position myself as an artist and I’m really pleased I started thinking about this from an early stage in my career, as it has helped so much.

What other modules really stood out to you throughout the 12 weeks?

I loved every aspect of the course, but I think understanding the importance of sound choice, the use of reference tracks and going into the studio with a plan have really stood me in good stead.

How important was the A&R feedback throughout your journey?

I would say that it was probably the most important aspect for me as you learn the lesson and attempt to implement it but then to get personalised feedback as to how to improve it or adjust it was a game changer and a lot of the feedback I still implement today.

A lot of the feedback I still implement today.

How happy were you with the track you made over the course of the 3 months?

It was up to that point the best track I had ever made and gave me a great starting point to build on.

What do you think was unique or different about the Production Certificate compared to other programmes/schools out there?

I have never studied with anyone else for me it was clear Toolroom was the way to go, and it didn’t disappoint!

How would you compare your production ability/knowledge now, compared to when you started the course?

So much better, I feel it’s fairly second nature now to get in the studio and make music.

Has your ability on Logic/Ableton improved since you’ve taken the course?

Night and Day taking the course has made me feel confident using my DAW.

One thing that runs throughout is the family feeling.

Did you manage to connect and built relationships with other students on the course?

Yes, there are still people I talk to regularly from my course and we support each other’s journey which is amazing!

How would you rate your tutors?

10/10 can’t thank them enough for their help and guidance. Both top guys!

What was the single best experience you had on the programme?

I would genuinely look forward to getting my A&R feedback on the weekly and then implementing what the guys had suggested and seeing the difference it made to the track overall was always amazing

Would you recommend the Production Certificate to other producers?

100% it will get you started on the right foot and come the end of it you will feel confident with what you’re trying to do.

As a graduate, what are your thoughts on the Toolroom Academy overall?

In one word Fantastic! I have completed the creativity unlocked course as well and the one thing that runs throughout is the family feeling and the encouragement that is offered. Not only is the tuition second to none, the way the guys make you feel is excellent and to me that was equally as important as what I was learning.

Production Certificate
Our flagship programme. Embark on an intensive 12 week journey, that takes you step-by-step through the essentials of building a credible and relevant track to a professional standard. Enjoy continuous A&R feedback and mentorship throughout the course.
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