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Production Certificate

Tell us about your production journey so far – how long have you been producing? What drew you to it in the first place?

I’ve been producing on and off for around 6 years now but only started taking it seriously within the last year. I initially started with a more EDM sound at the beginning but as time went on I slowly found my love for house/tech house music! What got me started with production in the first place was the idea of playing out my own tracks within my sets and seeing an amazing crowd reaction.

What made you decide to enrol on the Production Certificate programme?

I was pretty happy with the knowledge that I had acquired prior to the course but I wanted to take it that step further. I wanted to make professional tracks not just bedroom produced tracks.

How easy/difficult was the enrolment process?

It was incredibly easy, just a couple of Emails to get the basic information sorted out and everything was confirmed.

Week 1 of the course focuses on artist identity and positioning. Did this make you analyse your sound in any way?

The first week completely changed my way of thinking with respect to production. The initial sound choice was something that I skipped hugely before and I am super happy that the first lesson taught me how important selecting my sound is.

What other modules really stood out to you throughout the 12 weeks?

Towards the end of the course there are two lessons on mixdowns, these really helped me out as it was something I needed to improve on. Ben’s teaching techniques opened my eyes and enabled me to get a super clean mix which sounded like nothing I had achieved before.

Ben's teaching techniques opened my eyes and enabled me to get a super clean mix which sounded like nothing I had achieved before.

How did you find the weekly assignment work? Did you find them challenging? Did the structure help? Was it an intense amount of work?

I found them challenging for sure, but in a good way. The fact that I got feedback each week kept me on my toes and always pushed me to go that little bit further. It’s easy to hand in something average but I always want to aim higher, so at the end of the day it was as intense as I wanted it to be.

How important was the A&R feedback throughout your journey?

The A&R feedback was one of the most valuable parts of the journey. Getting feedback from experienced professionals and not just friends and family was greatly beneficial for me. The A&R team have a great understanding of what works on the dance floor and were able to guide me in the right direction.

How happy were you with the track you made over the course of the 3 months?
I am over the moon! Not only has the course helped me to create tracks I am super proud of, but it has boosted my motivations and allowed me to pursue my professional career. As a result of this I have been continuously making tracks which have been signed to many labels.

What do you think was unique or different about the Production Certificate compared to other programmes/schools out there?

The fact that I got weekly feedback from industry professionals that had an understanding of the sound I was trying to create is what really drew my attention. Also achieving this with a world-renowned label adds so much more credibility!

How would you compare your production ability/knowledge now, compared to when you started the course?

I am miles ahead now. I’ve learned more from this course in three months than I did over the 5 to 6 years prior.

I am miles ahead now. I've learned more from this course in three months than I did over the 5 to 6 years prior.

Did you manage to connect and build relationships with other students on the course?

I sure have! We still make use of our production group to help each other with feedback. The best part is that everyone has a far deeper understanding since we all went through the course, feedback has been spot on.

How would you rate your tutors – Ben Remember and Pete Griffiths?

A solid 5/10 for both. Just kidding! Ben’s technical teachings were eye opening for me and I wouldn’t be where I am today musically without him. Also, Pete from the A&R/sound choice side helped me shape my track into something that I am happy with and something that sounds great on the dance floor. The team also managed to keep it fun and friendly which helped you to relax, never a dull moment!

Would you recommend the Production Certificate to other producers?

If you’re serious about music production and want to take things to the next level then, DO IT. This course has honestly completely changed what I want to do and where I want to go with my life.

As a graduate, what are your thoughts on the Toolroom Academy overall?

Nothing but positive thoughts, I only wish that it was longer! Friendly and educated tutors helping you create great music, what isn’t there to like about that?!

Production Certificate
Our flagship programme. Embark on an intensive 12 week journey, that takes you step-by-step through the essentials of building a credible and relevant track to a professional standard. Enjoy continuous A&R feedback and mentorship throughout the course.
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